The world's first photovoltaic power plant using GRAF PV cells containing graphene.
In 2019, a 2 x 0.9 MW photovoltaic power plant was built in Feliksów near Sochaczew. The investment complex includes a technical infrastructure facility in the form of a stand-alone photovoltaic installation with a total connection capacity of 2 x 0.9 MW, construction of a 15 kV MV cable line to the distribution network and two transformer stations. The goal is to generate electricity and sell it to an authorized electricity distributor.
The annual production of energy from the sun in 2020 was approx. 2 x 1190 MWh / year. The operation of the photovoltaic power plant will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the environment by the energy sector, including the reduction of CO2 emissions in the amount of 2 x 997 tons / year. The planned PV power plant will contribute to increasing the energy security of the region using natural conditions and local potentials.
The implemented investment has a positive impact on the environmental protection policy in accordance with Article 17 Sustainable development of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of July 11, 2006. laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund.
The entrepreneur's actions have a positive effect on the environment, preserving its advantages for future generations.