Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo - Usługowe
"JEZNACH" Sp. J. has operated since 1991.
The business activity of Jeznach is based on export of fresh fruit and vegetables.As part of the services, we rent or lease our own real estate. The commercial activity is limited to the export of manufactured fertilizers, as well as seasonal sale of fruit and vegetables and the import of pellets. The major recipients are business partners from the European Union and Third Countries.
- Based on its own patent, the company produces unique fertilizers for foliar application and fertigation.
- We have the world's first photovoltaic power plant, the modules of which are made of cells containing graphene.
The company PHU Jeznach implements the set goals while maintaining the highest standards and all world news in the field of its activity.
SIL - Org
Liquid organic-mineral silicon-organic nano-fertilizer for foliar application

SIL - Org is a unique, liquid nano-organic-mineral fertilizer in the form of a concentrate, designed for foliar application and fertigation in the cultivation of agricultural and horticultural crops, in the field and under covers.
SIL - Org is produced by nanotechnology in a device that generates the cold plasma phenomenon. The specially prepared solution consists of complexed compounds of silicon, potassium, nitrogen, amino acids and other organic compounds subjected to the cold plasma process. The resulting unique SIL - Org concentrate is highly soluble in water, and its components are readily available to plants.
The components of SIL - Org are appropriately complexed to enhance the structural stability of plants and the formation of defense mechanisms against adverse environmental factors including disease and pest resistance and tolerance to water stress, salinity, sunburn, shading, frost or high temperature.
CAL - Org
Liquid organic-mineral calcium-organic nano-fertilizer for foliar application

CAL - Org is a unique liquid nano-fertilizer, organic-mineral in the form of a concentrate, designed for foliar application and fertigation in the cultivation of agricultural and horticultural crops, in the field and under covers.
CAL - Org is produced by nanotechnology in a device that generates the cold plasma phenomenon. The specially prepared solution consists of formulated calcium, potassium, nitrogen, amino acids and other organic compounds subjected to the cold plasma process. The resulting unique CAL - Org concentrate is well soluble in water, and its components are readily supplied to plants.
The components of CAL - Org are appropriately complexed so as to increase normal plant growth and development, as well as strength and resistance to disease and environmental stress associated with calcium deficiency, especially during the period of intensive growth of fruit and vegetative organs. It is recommended to apply CAL - Org during intensive growth of plant biomass including vegetative organs and fruit, and to protect plants from excessive solar radiation, as well as to improve fruit firmness and shelf life during storage and also during transport. The use of recommended doses of CAL - Org does not cause any undesirable symptoms on plants.
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